Our Surroundings

Gumboots is in the heart of Maraekakaho and adjacent to Maraekakaho School. We are vert proud of our rural settings and the special nature this brings. 

We enjoy small excursions within the local environment including visits to the Maraekakaho School environment such as the library and playground and down to the ‘Dell’. Linking to our philosophy we encourage mixed aged sessions as children happily nurture each other in a tuakana teina relationship. 

Gumboots operates five days a week, Monday to Friday 8.30am – 3pm and offers extended hours of 8am - 4pm. Gumboots is open during primary school term time. 

Daily Programme

All times are approximate apart from open and close of session times.

Extended hours morning time. Child initiated, teacher supported play. 

8:30 – 11:40am
Child initiated, teacher supported play, inside and outside

9:30 – 10.00am
Morning tea. Children wash hands and eat one or two items from their lunchboxes.

Children are called in to wash their hands and to share a karakia (blessing) before lunch.  

12pm – 12:30pm
Lunch time and quiet time inside as everyone finishes eating

12:30 – 2:00pm
Child initiated, teacher supported play, inside and outside

Gradual tidy up begins

Afternoon tea.  Often prepared by Gumboots children.

2:45 – 3:00pm
Circle Time which is a coming together at the end of the day awaiting the arrival of parents, whānau and caregivers.

Extended hours afternoon time. Child initiated, teacher supported play.